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Make a Payment

WAHO Accpeted Forms of Payment
WAHO On-line Payments
Follow the steps below to submit WAHO payments using your Credit card, Debit / Check card, or PayPal account (select only one option).
WAHO prefers On-line registration / payments, however if you would like to mail a check please make payable to Westchester Association of Homeowners and send to:
WAHO Membership, Ads, or Resale Certificates
P.O. Box 540004
Grand Prairie, TX 75054-0004
(NOTE:  Please be sure to include your full name, address, phone # and e-mail address).

WAHO Annual Membership Fee - $ 36.00
This Payment Option is for the WAHO Annual Membership Fee of $36.00. All fees are NONREFUNDABLE!
(RUSH JOB) HOA Resell Letter - $ 350.00
Electronic Copies:  This payment is for a HOA Resell Letter with a copy of the CC&R and other items applicable to selling a home in our community requested to be delivered within 3 working days. All fees are NONREFUNDABLE!
(RUSH JOB) HOA Resell Letter w/ mailed copies - $ 400.00
Mailed Copies: 
This payment is for a HOA Resell Letter with a copy of the CC&R and other items applicable to selling a home in our community requested to be mailed within 3 working days. All Fees Are NONREFUNDABLE!
HOA Resell Letter - $ 250.00
Electronic Copies:  This payment is for a HOA Resell Letter with a copy of the CC&R and other items applicable to selling a home in our community.  We will research the property and verify the property is in our HOA and then send you the requested information in 3 to 5 business days.  Includes One Year membership to Westchester Association of Homeowners. FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE!
HOA Resell Letter Copy - RUSH (Previously Sent) - $ 100.00
HOA Resell Letter Copy (Previously Sent) - $ 50.00
Electronic Copies:  This payment is for an additional copy of the HOA Resell Letter with a copy of the CC&R and other items applicable to selling a home in our community after the initial copy of the document has been sent. We will research the property and verify the property is in our HOA and then send you the requested information in 3 to 5 business days.  Includes One Year membership to Westchester Association of Homeowners. FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE!
HOA Resell Letter w/ mailed copies - $ 300.00
Mailed Copies: 
This payment is for a HOA Resell Letter with a copy of the CC&R and other items applicable to selling a home in our community.  We will research the property  and  verify the property is in our HOA and then send you the requested information in 3 to 5 business days.  Includes One Year membership to Westchester Association of Homeowners. All fees are NONREFUNDABLE!
Realtor - Individual agent - $ 300.00

Realtor membership is  active for 12 months.  These listing provide verbose descriptions and easy to use interfaces.
This is for individual agents either associated or not association with an agency.
  • Agent's/Contact's Details
  • General Listing Info
  • Map Link
  • Virtual Tour Link
  • Agent Website Link
  • Photos (15)
  • and much more!
This allows for up to 10 active listings at any given time with maximum of 120 listing during the membership period.    Each listing is active for 90 days and can be renewed, an updated.
Realtor Membership is good for 12 month.

Realtor Agency - $ 500.00
Realtor Agency membership is  active for 12 months. These listing provide verbose descriptions and easy to use interfaces. 

This agencies with multiple realtors.
Listing Agent's/Contact's Details
General Listing Info
Map Link
Virtual Tour Link
Agent Website Link
Photos (15)
and much more!
This allows unlimited active listings.     Each listing is active for 90 days and can be renewed, an updated.
Agency Membership is good for 12 month.
Webpage Sponsorship Basic (1 Year) - $ 120.00
User created ads that appear only on the sponsor page.
Click the link link located on the top left of the Sponsor page to up load your logo, describe your services and include a link to your business website.
Webpage Sponsorship Basic (6 Month) - $ 80.00
User created ads that appear only on the sponsor page.
Click the link link located on the top left of the Sponsor page to up load your logo, describe your services and include a link to your business website.
Webpage Sponsorship Gold (1 Year) - $ 180.00
Custom tailored ads with artwork and a link to your business website.
Gold ads appear only on Sponsor page.
Please include contact info or send email to: vice-president@gpwaho.org
Webpage Sponsorship Gold (6 Month) - $ 120.00
Custom tailored ads with artwork and a link to your business website.
Gold ads appear only on Sponsor page.
Please include contact info or send email to: vice-president@gpwaho.org
Webpage Sponsorship Rotating (1 Year) - $ 270.00
Custom tailored ads with artwork that appear on the bottom of every page on the website. Ads Rotate.
Please include contact info or send email to: vice-president@gpwaho.org
Webpage Sponsorship Rotating (6 Month) - $ 180.00
Custom tailored ads with artwork that appear on the bottom of every page on the website. Ads Rotate.
Please include contact info or send email to: vice-president@gpwaho.org

Invoice #